Vuorilta tasamaalle – Rojavan yhteiskuntajärjestys + Equal economical practices in the era of modern capitalism

Rojavan vallankumouksen yhteiskuntajärjestys
Alternative eco-economical practises – the struggle for survival in the era of modern capitalism

Tunti 1:
Ensimmäisen tunnin aikana aiheena on Kurdistanin vapausliike ja eritoten yhteiskuntamalli, jota Rojavassa eli Koillis-Syyrian autonomisella alueella on toteutettu vuodesta 2012 lähtien. Yhteiskunta on järjestäytynyt demokraattisen konfederalismin mallin mukaan rakentuen alhaalta ylöspäin. Yhteiskunnan perustana on naisten vapaus, suora demokratia ja ekologia. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa järjestäytymistä niin paikallisesti kuin teemoittainkin, neljän miljoonan ihmisen kesken.

Paikallisesti pienin yksikkö on kommuuni, joka tyypillisesti koostuu 150
– 1500 ihmisestä ja muodostuu esimerkiksi saman kadun asukkaista,
pikkupaikkakunnilla koko kylä saattaa muodostaa kommuunin. Teemoittain järjestäytyminen puolestaan tarkoitaa esimerkiksi nuorten tai naisten järjestäytymistä, järjestäytymistä terveydenhuollon, itsepuolustuksen, koulutuksen, kulttuurin, talouden jne. ympärille. Kaikissa rakenteissa on kaksoispuheenjohtajuus ja vähintään toinen puheenjohtajista on nainen. Lisäksi kaikissa rakenteissa on rinnalla naisten autonominen rakenne, sillä patriarkaalisuus nähdään juurisyynä vallitsevien yhteiskuntien hierarkkisuuteen ja tästä halutaan päästä eroon. Myös nuorilla on paljon omia rakenteita.

Kurdistanin kansallisen kongressin jäsen heval Sînan Önal kertoo
demokraattisesta konfederalismista Rojavassa, mutta myös sen
merkityksestä Euroopassa.

Toimittajana Aura Kalli

Musiikkina ensimmäisellä tunnilla:
Kae Tempest: The Europe is Lost
Awaze Çiya: Azadiye Kurdistan
Teemu Takatalo: Vapaus
Omara Portuondo & Martin Rojas: El desierto y la lluvia

Matti Salo quartet: Kites

Ohjelman toinen puolisko koostuu kahdesta podcastista, jotka on tuotettu
Åbo Academin /Gender, Environment and Global Economics/ -kurssin
yhteydessä. Ensimmäinen käsittelee kestävyyttä ja kiertotaloutta
muotiteollisuudessa ja toinen nuorten pyörittämää ruohonjuuritason
kansalaisjärjestöä Moldovassa. Tässä toisen puoliskon esittely

Alternative eco-economical practises – the struggle for survival in the

era of modern capitalism – two podcasts made by students from the course
/Gender, Environment and Global Economics/

Here two students, Alina Kantola and Sorina Pinzaru, from the course
Gender, Environment and Global Economics in 2019 at the Open University at Åbo Akademi present their final work. The course was planned and taught by Albina Hipp and Freja Högback and was thematically part of the gender studies. Informed by thinkers like bell hooks, the course
provided an opportunity for students to, instead of a traditional essay,
make a podcast, to share their feminist knowledge and work with
everybody. In this way the knowledge in class and the knowledge produced by the students themselves are shared and can be enjoyed by all. This was done in collaboration with radio journalist Thierry Francis Mbabane, that also gave a seminar on community radio for the course as well as taught editing and how to make podcasts to the students. Mbabane has also has produced this radio program. The topic which the students made their research about was: “Alternative eco-economical practices – the
struggle for survival in the era of modern capitalism”. Here are the
podcasts made by Alina Kantola and Sorina Pinzaru. Enjoy!

Alina Kantola
In my podcast I wanted to draw attention to a topic that I find very
interesting, and which in my opinion suits within the theme of this course. I began looking for an interesting local project and I soon found a suitable one. As I am very interested in sustainability and circular economy, it felt natural to talk about this in the podcast as well. Many of the texts in this
course have been very interesting, yet very different from each other.
However, a few stood out for me, and in the podcast I wanted to highlight these and their importance to this subject matter in question.

I decided to talk about sustainability when it comes to the fashion
industry and what this can require from us as consumers. The Making Feminist Media text inspired me to talk about a topic I strongly link to feminism. In the podcast I for instance discuss about how the
majority of (fast) fashion adverstising in different forms is directed
to women and non-binary, and giving the example how buying a fast fashion t-shirt with the text “feminist” is not a feminist act. Those who suffer the most are often women, but we tend to forget about that and
the horrible working conditions and almost non existing wages.

I also tied this to the fact that consumers are important to companies
until the moment of purchase and after that all the responsibility is
left with the consumer. I wanted to highlight how companies take no
responsibility in recycling clothes (unless they make their clothes
ethically, using recycled materials) and invest nothing into making recycling easily accessible or normalized. At least I find it very alarming that we in Finland have annually 70–100 million kilograms of textile waste and a lot of this so called waste is still fully usable.

Luckily there are people working on how to make the most of our leftover
textiles, and now it is just time for us to recycle ours to support sustainability and enable circular economy. Concerning this matter I got to interview Sini Ilmonen, Circulation Economy Specialist at Lounais-Suomen
Jätehuolto about a project they had in cooperation with the University
of Applied Sciences in Turku called Tekstiili 2.0. Ilmonen talked about how the textile circular economy project/network started and what were the reasons behind it. She also discussed how the project managed to sustain itself and some of the challenges they had along the way. We also talked about how this project is very topical, due to new waste directives from the EU.

Sorina Pinzaru
In this podcast it is briefly discussed about a youth led grassroots NGO
called EcoVisio. This NGO is based in Moldova and its focus is on the gradual realisation of full potential of the country and its neighbourhood “as a model region for sustainable development”. Within its many activities and programmes, a project called “Torbesc” was born through the Ecovision ActivEco program. It was started in 2015 by two participants: Ecaterina Țăruș and Veronica Cazacov.

In this podcast it is shown the role and involvement of women in the
project “Torbesc” which focus on supporting and promotion of a healthier and cleaner environment. Also, their connection[1] with the environment is clearly established by trying to reduce and recycle. “With the violation of
nature is linked the violation and marginalisation of women, especially
in the Third World. Women produce and reproduce life not merely biologically, but also through their social role in providing sustenance”[2]. In this project, women contribute and involve themselves in providing their help to achieve the goal of the initiative: recycle and reduce consumption.[3] And at the same time, the project is an opportunity for he most socially vulnerable women to participate and to earn some money.

This initiative is a clear example of an attempt to face capitalism
conditions putting all the efforts on the increment of production not for getting profits but for the protection of the environment. And this is achieved by recycling and reusing but also reducing the consumption of new materials[4].

[1] Nature and women as producers of life, STAYING ALIVE Women, Ecology
and Survival in India, Vandana Shiva
[2] ibid.,
[3] ibid.,
[4] Wallerstein, Ecology and Capitalist Costs of Production, page 3.

Immanuel Wallerstein in Ecology and Capitalist Costs of Production: No
Vandana Shiva in STAYING ALIVE Women, Ecology and Survival in India
Rachel E. Goldsmith, Irina Feygina and John T. Jost in The Gender Gap in
Environmental Attitudes: A System Justification Perspective
Stephanie Lahar in Ecofeminist Theory and Grassroots Politics

Internet sources

  • Lähetys (nauhoite): maanantai 7. joulukuuta 2020 klo 20:00 alkaen / Broadcast: Monday 7th of December 2020, 20:00–22:00 (UTC+2)

  • Radiotaajuus: 98,4MHz (Radio Moreeni, kuuluvuus 50 kilometrin säteellä Näsinneulasta) / Frequency: FM 98,4 (only in Tampere, Finland)

  • Internet-kuuntelu 1: TUNEIN (tai: / Internet stream: TUNEIN

  • Ohjelma ladataan myös kuultavaksi ohjelma-arkistoon / The programme will be listenable and downloadable in the programme archive (ohjelma-arkisto).



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